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Amazon: Yes - No packaging, is it recyclable?

OK.. lately we've gotten some pretty amazing customer questions lately about Amazon packaging. In Boulder County Colorado.. thought we'd share some quick photos and Yes or No for if can you recycle it with us in your single-stream mix.

The YES list:

  1. All Amazon cardboard shipping boxes (please flatten)

  2. Brown wrapping paper filler in boxes (yes.. in the single-stream mix or can be composted)

  3. Brown Shipping flat rate envelopes from Amazon (see photo) YES! They have glue inside them only.. do not confuse with bubble wrap envelopes (those are a NO!)

The NO list:

NO: paper envelopes with bubble wrap inside them as cushion (they are usually bright yellow or white in color).. just reuse these!! Please keep out of the single-stream mix. Why? It's too hard to get the plastic separated from the paper envelope to recycle both properly.

NO: Amazon Plastic bubble wrap envelopes (see photo) DO not put in your single-stream mix, however they are recyclable if you bundle them together in 1 bag and bring them to the CHaRM center or to us here at Green Girl Recycling.

NO loose plastics of any kind in the single-stream mix please. Loose plastic destroys conveyors, gets caught in recycling equipment and is a blowing-around mess in general. Please BAG all your loose plastic bags and take them to any grocery store, CHaRM center or Green Girl Recycling. We can help recycle these separately from the single-stream mix.

Thank you for the awesome questions!! If you have a question .. reach out! We are here to help. Diversion is our passion.


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